Saturday, December 22, 2012

Oh Boy


I don't catch colds often, but when I do the symptoms are never mild enough to allow me to carry on with business as usual. As soon as I got home last night my nose started getting all stuffed up. Here I am now, middle of the day and still in bed snuggling with the cats.

The sun shines brightly, then it gets dark, and the room lighting changes again and again as I type this. Of course, I'd rather not be feeling this sick, but then again, I can't think of anything else I could be enjoying more right now if I wasn't. Here I can rest and exist with or without my senses, thoughts, dreams or reality.

Today there is no worry. My desire, thirst and hunger will move me forward. Just as everyday should be...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Another fun assignment

(three phrases in apposition)+(coordinating conjunction)+(subject/verb)+(participial phrase)+(participle)

Commuters crowding the roads, occupations molding the lives, commercials feeding the minds, and I smile at the sky, the money escaping from my hands, circling.

Pier extending from the sand, the marsh filling the foundation, the frog sitting in the corner, and I skip over the planks, big heads showing off their teeth, grinning.