Monday, April 18, 2011

Craft Area Organization

I got organized last weekend! Living in a small condo, I've resorted to storing my supplies throughout the place - a little of this here and a little of that there. I'm lucky enough that my living room has a nice sized corner with a view for me to have the things I use most close by.

Judyswag's Corner
Beads everywhere.

To the left...

the right...

Livingroom/ Craft Space
and the rest of the room...


  1. Oh I love it. It looks like a fun corner!!!

  2. The tables look great with all your stuff on them!

  3. Thank you, ladies! Also thank you Joanne, for the awesome tables. I am very blessed to have several highly functional secondhand items! Michelle; that wire rack that I have my beads on (last pic - right) is something Marina was getting rid of, ages ago!
